Designed for highly motivated first-year students, 门户项目是通过邀请有特定兴趣和经验的学生开放的.

门户项目是一种生活和学习社区,一年级学生从大学第一学期开始就与一群志同道合的学生在一个专业领域深入学习. 学生与有共同兴趣的同学和老师建立关系, 他们参与校园内外的体验,以新的方式学习和思考. 入门课程是为那些想要深入研究专业的学生准备的, 跨学科的学习领域和发展学术理解, a network of relationships, and personal experiences within this topic.

The Community Action Gateway 通过对当今复杂问题的批判性思考,使学生学习在他们的社区中创造社会变革, talking and working with local changemakers, 并通过哈特福德的合作研究项目采取行动.

  • Director: Erica Crowley
  • 课程设置:在学生的第一学期和第二学期参加两个研讨会-展望社会变革和为社会变革建立知识. Participants will also design and execute a hands-on, collaborative community research project in Hartford.

students in lecture in TrinidadThe Global Health Humanities Gateway provides opportunities for students to use tools and methods from the humanities to analyze health and healthcare locally and globally; by examining ethical questions, critiquing injustices, and engaging with diverse communities in Hartford, 学生获得了对人类健康经验的理解.

  • Directors: Erin Frymire & Diana Paulin
  • Curriculum: During the first year, 学生选修两门入门课程:全球健康人文:导论和健康与哈特福德修辞学. 第一门课程介绍了塑造全球健康人文学科跨学科领域的核心问题和问题, 例如,医疗实践如何与其他学科领域探索的有关人类状况的问题重叠, such as philosophy, literature, religion, film, and art. 第二门课程将这个调查扩展到哈特福德社区的实践项目. 学生们还会在第一年选修一门与健康相关的选修课. 然后学生通过在国外学习健康或在哈特福德完成一个独立的社区项目来完成一个顶点项目.


The Humanities Gateway Program offers students an opportunity for intensive study of some of the most significant texts and ideas found throughout European traditions; its interdisciplinary core curriculum, 由博彩平台网址大全哲学系的顶尖教师共同授课, Classical Studies, Religious Studies, History, English, and Language & Culture Studies, 追溯跨越时间和地点的关键概念的共鸣, from antiquity to the present.

  • Directors: Julia Goesser Assaiante & Gabriel Hornung
  • 课程设置:学生在博彩平台网址大全的前两个学期要上四门课. 这些主题相关的研讨会涉及文学研究, history, philosophy, and religion, 每学期都建立在上学期的基础上. 学生每学期参加2-3门校外课程. 该项目旨在培养批判性思维技能和跨学科的学术研究方法.


The InterArts Program offers first year students a cross-disciplinary curriculum that challenges them to think and make art that is both personal and pertinent to the times that we live in; it is taught by faculty from the departments of music, theater and dance, film studies, fine arts, and creative writing.

  • Directors: Rebecca Pappas
  • 课程设置:第一年两门必修课和两门选修课. 研讨会的主题是“艺术与艺术家”和“艺术观与实践”. Electives must be arts practice courses, 但可以在学生选择的区域(舞蹈), theater, music, visual arts, creative writing, or film). 国际艺术学院的学生可以优先注册高需求的艺术类课程.

students in engineering lab

The Interdisciplinary Science Program (ISP) 关注现代科学是如何进行的,以及科学与社会之间的各种相互作用, and importantly, 将第一年成绩优异的学生与STEM教师配对,进行原创研究.

  • Director: Alison Draper
  • 课程:三门课程,学生在博彩平台网址大全的前三个学期各上一门. 学生们从第一学期的发现过程开始, then do a research apprenticeship in the spring. 学生们可以选择在夏季留在校园10周,继续他们在学徒期间开始的研究. Additionally, 学生必须完成两个学期的实验科学, two semesters of math, 从预先批准的科学和社会课程列表中选一门选修课.